Our Values

Keep the main thing the main thing.

We back exceptional founders and help them move their companies forward. Everything we do is in service of that. Period.

Advance the long game.

We work to win the decade, not the moment. We’d prefer to create more wealth for more winners tomorrow than win a limited short-term game today.

(Over) deliver.

We can be counted on to show up, do great work, and follow through. We only open loops we’re impatient to close. Done matters.

Default curious.

We constantly seek out new information to use in our work. We explore, we experiment, and we “yes, and” each other.

You do you.

We do our best work when we each bring our full selves to the party. Because belonging is a competitive advantage.

Act like outliers.

We’d rather innovate than imitate. We bet on ourselves to win as ourselves, charting our own course instead of following the crowd.